Other Recommended Ministries
There are many good Ministries and Missions that are active in our community and world. Here a few that I can recommend based on my knowledge of the founders. In each case, the founder heard or sensed a call from God to serve in a specific way. In some cases, the service is close to home, and in others, it is in a far away location. Please read about these ministries and pray for their workers and volunteers. In some cases, there are opportunities to make donations.
You can review the list below and click a link to go to any ministry of interest or scroll through the descriptions:
REACH New England
Computers for Guatamala
Rushing Winds Ministries
REACH New England exists to reach students throughout New England and Train Youth Workers.
Computers for Guatemala
To date, this group has sent almost 800 computer systems to schools, orphanages, libraries and individuals, some in partnership with Peace Corps, Catholic Charities, Child Aid, numerous NGO's, and a non-sectarian Quaker scholarship program. This group has sent 1,000 computers that are re-used each year to help 15,000 Mayan kids learn modern computer technology and are also helping to build a high school. Computers for Guatemala has also donated 40 computers to local charities.
If you have used computers to donate or would like to read more, please click the link below:
Rushing Wind Ministries
Tom Becker and his wife, Dora, and have been in the Czech Republic since 1997. Partnering with the Církev bratrská denomination (Brethren Evangelical Free Church), they have been involved in church planting and leadership development. We are now focusing these efforts on the Roma (Gypsy) people group. As they look for ways to minister holistically to this marginalized, oppressed, and largely unreached people group, they seek to empower Christian Roma leaders to do the ministry God has called them to do.
Tom and Dora are missionaries with ReachGlobal, the mission of the Evangelical Free Church of America. They live in Prague and serve on the Prague City Team. Rushing Wind Ministries is NOT an organization. It is a designation that they have used to describe their philosophy of ministry. It comes from the description of the Holy Spirit in the first four verses of Acts 2. Sometimes the Holy Spirit moves rapidly and we see evidence of his work...but sometimes we must wait for him to move and listen for a quiet whisper.
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Helping Needy Children in Kenya
There are many programs supporting needy children in Kenya that are recommended by our friends John and Marilyn Parker. Their website lists six different programs providing specific needs in designated parts of Kenya (plus one in Tanzania)
You can read more about these missions and see videos and photos at the Parkers' website
Serving Children in Kenya