Bible 365 - Introduction and Overview
Copyright 2019
The purpose of this blog is to encourage you to join fellow Bible students on a 365 day tour of the Christian Bible. If you join for the whole trip you will be reading every chapter and verse, from Genesis to Revelation, divided into daily rations that are relatively easy to digest. You can reference the Table of Contents below for the 1-year plan or go at your own pace.
Table of Contents
Click the Table of Contents link to review what we have been studying and then click on a link for any day to to see that day's material. What They Said
We have had great feedback during our first six months into the study:
"This is an impressive study!"
"I have found it to be a blessing!"
"I think what you have been doing on Listening for God is great as is Bible 365"
"I continue to read, enjoy, and am nourished by your study course"
Our participants have also been providing their own insights, which we eventually work back into the comments and have pointed out the occasional missing link, which we correct as soon as possible. Please join us!
A Varied Pace
The first book of the Bible begins at an extremely fast pace as a lot of significant events happens within a few short passages. Consequently our study will reflect this pace. The Bible continues on this sprint through the through the first five books, known as the Pentateuch. Subsequent chapters have some overlap for reinforcement and then become very reflective. We will spend a good portion of the middle of the year reading Psalms, Proverbs, Prophets, books that are well suited for long hot days when life might slow down a little bit.
One Student Helping Another
Do you remember any classroom situations where you needed help and found that your fellow students were actually a better resource than the teacher or professor? Why is that? CS Lewis explains this phenomenon in his book on Psalms, noting that it’s often easier for one student to explain because he or she has just learned it himself or herself and knows what it’s like to struggle. That’s our perspective in this blog. We are students sharing notes with you, our friends (and friends of friends).
Best Practice
In each blog entry we will give you a summary of the chapters for that day and an interpretation based on views of other commentators and our own thoughts.
We recommend that you read the full passages in the Bible either before or after reading the blog and decide for yourself what it means for you. We reference multiple versions of the Bible, but encourage you to use whichever version best suits you. The original written form of the Bible was in Ancient Hebrew, Ancient Greek, and Aramaic. Exact translations are difficult because of language, style, and context that are foreign to modern readers. Hence, each translator or team of translators sets out to provide the most accurate representation into modern languages, but their own assumptions and interpretations result in different words and phrases. Therefore, reading multiple versions helps us to have a better perspective.
Maybe after reading one or more versions you draw the same conclusions that we have regarding the passage for the day or maybe you conclude something different. Perhaps there is a distinct message for you that does not apply to all of the rest of us. We invite you to share your thoughts on the blog for that day by email, comments page, or Twitter.
At the beginning of each book of study we will share with you the references used in preparing the study so that you can read deeper into those commentators observations or find other analysis.
Let's Go!
We started the first tour on January 1st, 2011 and began each subsequent version on January 1st of the following years. If you missed some days you can go back and catch up, or just join us where we are and perhaps read the beginning chapters next year.
Genesis 1-4 (Let There be Life) - January 1st
Genesis 5-8 (Noah and the Flood) - January 2nd
Genesis 9-12 (Two Eternal Promises) - January 3rd
Genesis 13-17 (Patience is a Virtue) - January 4th
Genesis 18-20 (Sodom and Gomorrah) - January 5th
Genesis 21-23 (The LORD Provides) - January 6th
Genesis 24-25 (Isaac and Rebekah) - January 7th
Genesis 26-28 (Jacob's Ladder) - January 8th
Genesis 29-31 (Jacob Takes a Wife+) - January 9th
Genesis 32-35 (He Wrestles with God) - January 10th
Genesis 36-38 (Joseph Sold into Slavery) - January 11th
Genesis 39-41 (Dream On) - January 12th
Genesis 42-43 (It's a Small World) - January 13th
Genesis 44-46 (Family Reunion) - January 14th
Genesis 47-50 (End of the Beginning) - January 15th
Exodus 1-4 (Prince of Egypt) - January 16th
Exodus 5-7 (Let My People Go!) - January 17th
Exodus 8-10 (Faithful Persistence) - January 18th
Exodus 11-13 (The First Passover) - January 19th
Exodus 14-16 (Parting of the Red Sea) - January 20th
Exodus 17-20 (The Ten Commandments) - January 21st
Exodus 21-23 (Success Comes in Small Increments) - January 22nd
Exodus 24-27 (First House of Worship) - January 23rd
Exodus 28-30 (The Role of the Priest) - January 24th
Exodus 31-34 (Rebellion in the Desert) - January 25th
Exodus 35-37 (Moses Explains the Tabernacle Design) - January 26th
Leviticus 1-4 (Four Types of Sacrifice) - January 28th
Leviticus 5-7 (Additional Rules for Sacrifice) - January 29th
Leviticus 8-10 (Ordination of the First Priests) - January 30th
Leviticus 11-13 (Rules for Cleanliness) - January 31st
Leviticus 14-15 (Additional Rules for Cleanliness) - February 1st
Leviticus 16-18 (The Scapegoat) - February 2nd
Leviticus 19-20 (Crimes and Punishments) - February 3rd
Leviticus 21-23 (Holiness for Priests and Feasts) - February 4th
Leviticus 24-25 (Sacred Objects and Sabbaticals) - February 5th
Leviticus 26-27 (Final Terms) - February 6th
Numbers 1-2 (The First Census) - February 7th
Numbers 3-4 (Instructions for the Levites) - February 8th
Numbers 5-6 (Restitution, Nazirites, and Blessings) - February 9th
Numbers 7 (Completion of the Tabernacle) - February 10th
Numbers 8-10 (Everlasting Presence) - February 11th
Numbers 11-13 (Ye of Little Faith) - February 12th
Numbers 14 (Grave Consequences) - February 13th
Numbers 15-18 (Rebellion in the Desert Part II) - February 14th
Numbers 19-21 (Moses' Big Mistake) - February 15th
Numbers 22-24 (The Incorruptible Sorcerer) - February 16th
Numbers 25-26 (The Enemy Within) - February 17th
Numbers 27-29 (Passing the Torch) - February 18th
Numbers 30-32 (Taking Possession) - February 19th
Numbers 33-36 (Bottom Line) - February 20th
Deuteronomy 1-2 (Review Session - Wilderness Years) - February 21st
Deuteronomy 3-4 (Teach Your Children Well) - February 22nd
Deuteronomy 5-8 (All Your Heart, Soul, and Strength) - February 23rd
Deuteronomy 9-11 (Fear the LORD) - February 24th
Deuteronomy 12-16 (Review - Holy Worship) - February 25th
Deuteronomy 17-20 (Organization of the State) - February 26th
Deuteronomy 21-23 (Mishpats - Part I) - February 27th
Deuteronomy 24-26 (Mishpats - Part II) - February 28th
Deuteronomy 27-28 (Truth or Consequences) - March 1st
Deuteronomy 29-30 (Call to Commitment) - March 2nd
Deuteronomy 31-34 (Final Word) - March 3rd
Joshua 1-4 (March Forth) - March 4th
Joshua 5-7 (Battle of Jericho) - March 5th
Joshua 8-10 (The LORD is Victorious) - March 6th
Joshua 11-13 (Victory in the North) - March 7th
Joshua 14-17 (Allotment West of the Jordan) - March 8th
Joshua 18-20 (Final Allotment) - March 9th
Joshua 21-22 (First Controversy) - March 10th
Joshua 23-24 (Joshua's Farewell Speech) - March 11th
Judges 1-2 (Incomplete Conquest) - March 12th
Judges 3-5 (Unlikely Heroes) - March 13th
Judges 6-8 (Gideon's Bible Story) - March 14th
Judges 9-10 (Abimelek's Rebellion) - March 15th
Judges 11-12 (Jephthah the Outcast) - March 16th
Judges 13-16 (Samson and Delilah) - March 17th
Judges 17-18 (Imagine a World without God) - March 18th
Judges 19-21 (A World without God - continued) - March 19th
1 Samuel 1-3 (Here I am LORD!) - March 21st
1 Samuel 4-7 (Raiders of the Sacred Ark) - March 22nd
1 Samuel 8-12 (Give us a King) - March 23rd
1 Samuel 13-15 (Trouble in the King's Dominion) - March 24th
1 Samuel 16-17 (David and Goliath) - March 25th
1 Samuel 18-20 (David and Michal) - March 26th
1 Samuel 21-24 (The Fugitive) - March 27th
1 Samuel 25-27 (The Fugitive - Part II) - March 28th
1 Samuel 28-29 (In the Enemy's Camp) - March 29th
1 Samuel 30-31 (Saul Falls on His Own Sword) - March 30th
2 Samuel 1-3 (Crowning of King David) - March 31st
2 Samuel 4-7 (The King Arrives in Jerusalem) - April 1st
2 Samuel 8-10 (Promises Fulfilled) - April 2nd
2 Samuel 11-13 (David's Big Mistake) - April 3rd
2 Samuel 14-18 (Absalom's Rebellion) - April 4th
2 Samuel 19-20 (Sheba's Rebellion) - April 5th
2 Samuel 21-24 (The Appendix) - April 6th
1 Kings 1-2 (Solomon's Brothers) - April 7th
1 Kings 3-5 (Solomon's Wise Request) - April 8th
1 Kings 6-8 (Temple Done!) - April 9th
1 Kings 9-11 (Solomon in all his Splendor) - April 10th
1 Kings 12-14 (Beginning of Division) - April 11th
1 Kings 15-18 (Further Decline and the Rise of a Prophet) - April 12th
1 Kings 19-20 (God Speaks in a Whisper) - April 13th
1 Kings 21-22 (Thou Shall Not Covet) - April 14th
2 Kings 1-3 (Elijah Goes Home) - April 15th
2 Kings 4-5 (Those Who Listen are Healed) - April 16th
2 Kings 6-7 (He Intervenes) - April 17th
2 Kings 9-10 (Jehu's Reign) - April 18th
2 Kings 11-13 (Elisha's Final Acts) - April 19th
2 Kings 14-17 (Eliminate those Idols, or Else...) - April 20th
2 Kings 18-20 (Hezekiah Clears Out the Idols) - April 21st
2 Kings 21-23 (Josiah Leads the People Back to God) - April 22nd
2 Kings 24-25 (Exile to Babylon) - April 23rd
1 Chronicles 1-2 (Adam to David) - April 24th
1 Chronicles 3-4 (David, Solomon, and Jabez) - April 25th
1 Chronicles 5-6 (Genealogy Continued) - April 26th
1 Chronicles 7-9 (Genealogy Concluded) - April 27th
1 Chronicles 10-12 (Review of Saul and David) - April 28th
1 Chronicles 13-16 (Arrival of the Ark) - April 29th
1 Chronicles 17-19 (The LORD Defers the Temple Project) - April 30th
Day of Rest (Bible 365 is one-third complete!) - May 1st
1 Chronicles 20-22 (David Forgets What Counts) - May 2nd
1 Chronicles 23-26 (Different Gifts - One Body of Service) - May 3rd
1 Chronicles 27-29 (David's Final Words) - May 4th
2 Chronicles 1-4 (Solomon Kicks Off the Temple Project) - May 5th
2 Chronicles 5-7 (Completion of the Temple) - May 6th
2 Chronicles 8-11 (Beginning of the End) - May 7th
2 Chronicles 12-16 (Rehoboam's Legacy) - May 8th
2 Chronicles 17-20 (Jehosophat's Journey) - May 9th
2 Chronicles 21-24 (Evil Begets Evil) - May 10th
2 Chronicles 25-28 (Can't Serve Two Masters) - May 11th
2 Chronicles 29-31 (Huzzah for Hezekiah!) - May 12th
2 Chronicles 32-33 (Hezekiah Passes the Torch) - May 13th
2 Chronicles 34-36 (Exile from Judah) - May 14th
Ezra 1-4 (Return from Exile) - May 15th
Ezra 5-6 (Temple Built) - May 16th
Ezra 7-10 (Second Group of Returnees) - May 17th
Nehemiah 1-3 (Rebuilding the Wall) - May 18th
Nehemiah 4-7 (Finishing the Wall) - May 19th
Nehemiah 8-10 (Back to School Week) - May 20th
Nehemiah 11-13 (Getting Jerusalem Back on its Feet) - May 21st
Esther 1-3 (An Unlikely Queen) - May 22nd
Esther 4-6 (Deadly Pride) - May 23rd
Esther 7-10 (Esther to the Rescue) - May 24th
Job 1-4 (The LORD Giveth and Taketh Away) - May 25th
Job 5-8 (Point and Counterpoint) - May 26th
Job 9-12 (Zophar on Deck) - May 27th
Job 13-16 (Down Thou Climbing Sorrow!) - May 28th
Job 17-20 (How Long Will You Torment Me?) - May 29th
Job 25-30 (Closing Arguments) May 31st
Job 31-34 (Introducing Elihu) June 1st
Job 35-37 (Elihu Makes His Point) June 2nd
Job 38-42 (The LORD Responds) June 3rd
Psalms 1-8 (Delight in the Law of the LORD) June 4th
Psalms 9-17 (Protection and Praise) June 5th
Psalms 18-21 (The Creator) June 6th
Psalms 22-27 (Pain, Defeat, and Victory) June 7th
Psalms 28-32 (Into Your Hands) June 8th
Psalms 33-37 (Taste and See) June 9th
Psalms 38-41 (How Long?!) June 10th
Psalms 42-44 (As the Deer Pants) June 11th
Psalms 45-49 (A Mighty Fortress) June 12th
Psalms 50-55 (Penitential) June 13th
Psalms 56-62 (In God We Trust) June 14th
Psalms 63-68 (My Soul Thirst for You) June 15th
Psalms 69-72 (Dear God, Hurry Up Already!) June 16th
Psalms 73-77 (The Defender) June 17th
Psalms 78-80 (S.O.S.) June 18th
Psalms 81-88 (Celebrate!) June 19th
Psalms 89-94 (You Are My Refuge) June 20th
Psalms 95-103 (Listen and Follow) June 21st
Psalms 104-106 (Holy Creation) June 22nd
Psalms 107-111 (Curse My Enemies?) June 23rd
Psalms 112-118 (The Center) June 24th
Psalms 120-134 (Songs of Ascent) June 26th
Psalms 135-140 (His Love Endures Forever) June 27th
Psalms 141-150 (The Final Psalms) June 28th
Proverbs 1-3 (The Beginning of Wisdom) June 29th
Proverbs 4-6 (Though it Costs You All You Have) June 30th
The Wise Know When to Rest(Mid-Year Study Break ) July 1st
Proverbs 7-11 (It Appeals to Intellect) July 2nd
Proverbs 12-14 (The Wise Control Their Tongue) July 3rd
Proverbs 15-17 (Independence Occurs when We Commit to God) July 4th
Proverbs 18-20 (Truth, Justice, and Good Judgment) July 5th
Proverbs 21-23 (Warnings of the Heart) July 6th
Proverbs 24-26 (Like a Cloud Without Rain) July 7th
Proverbs 27-29 (Don't Boast About Tomorrow) July 8th
Proverbs 30-31 (The More You Know) July 9th
Ecclesiastes 1-4 (A Time for Everything) July 10th
Ecclesiastes 5-8 (Go Near to Listen) July 11th
Ecclesiastes 9-12 (Solomon’s Final Conclusion) July 12th
Song of Songs 1-4 (How Shall I Describe Thee?) July 13th
Song of Songs 5-8 (Garden of Love) July 14th
Isaiah 1-3 (The LORD Will Shake the Earth) - July 15th
Isaiah 4-8 (The Branch of the LORD) - July 16th
Isaiah 9-12 (For Unto Us a Child Is Born) - July 17th
Isaiah 13-14 (The Perennial Winner) - July 18th
Isaiah 15-19 (Woe to the Enemies of the LORD) - July 19th
Isaiah 20-23 (Woe to Jerusalem) - July 20th
Isaiah 24-27 (Day of Judgement) - July 21st
Isaiah 28-30 (Sav Lasav Sav Lasav) - July 22nd
Isaiah 31-33 (Redemption and Folly for Judah) - July 23rd
Isaiah 34-35 (A Vision for Zion) - July 24th
Isaiah 36-39 (Trust in the LORD) - July 25th
Isaiah 40-42 (Run and Not Grow Weary) - July 26th
Isaiah 43-45 (Grace Abounds) - July 27th
Isaiah 46-48 (Carry You) - July 28th
Isaiah 49-53 (The Suffering Servant) - July 29th
Isaiah 54-57 (Thy Word Is Food for My Soul) - July 30th
Isaiah 58-60 (The Coming of the Glory of the LORD) - July 31st
Isaiah 61-63 (Mighty to Save) - August 1st
Isaiah 64-66 (New Heaven and Earth) - August 2nd
Jeremiah 1-3 (Paging Jeremiah) - August 3rd
Jeremiah 4-6 (Danger, People of Judah, Danger!) - August 4th
Jeremiah 7-8 (Empty Sacrifices) - August 5th
Jeremiah 9-10 (The Tongue Is a Deadly Arrow) - August 6th
Jeremiah 11-13 (The Life of Jeremiah) - August 7th
Jeremiah 14-16 (Turn To the LORD) - August 8th
Jeremiah 17-20 (Speak Up) - August 9th
Jeremiah 21-23 (Time's Up for Zedekiah) - August 10th
Jeremiah 24-25 (King of Kings) - August 11th
Jeremiah 26-29 (Plans to Prosper) - August 12th
Jeremiah 30-33 (A New Jerusalem) - August 13th
Jeremiah 34-36 (Are You Sure?) - August 14th
Jeremiah 37-38 (Final Days of Jerusalem) - August 15th
Jeremiah 39-41 (The Walls Came Tumbling Down) - August 16th
Jeremiah 42-45 (The Aftermath) - August 17th
Jeremiah 46-47 (Oracles Against Other Nations) - August 18th
Jeremiah 48-49 (More Oracles Against Other Nations) - August 19th
Jeremiah 50-51 (Bigger and Better Oracles Against Other Nations) - August 20th
Jeremiah 52 (Hope Persists) - August 21st
Ezekiel 1-3 (Ezekiel Saw the Wheel ) - August 24th
Ezekiel 4-7 (Laying Down on the Job ) - August 25th
Ezekiel 8-11 (Exit of the Glory of the LORD) - August 26th
Ezekiel 12-14 (We Walk Sightless Among Miracles) - August 27th
Ezekiel 15-16 (New Covenant) - August 28th
Ezekiel 17-19 (Parable of the Eagle and the Cedar) - August 29th
Ezekiel 20-23 (History of Corrupt Leadership 101) - August 30th
Ezekiel 24 (Parable of the Cooking Pot) - August 31st
Ezekiel 25-26 (Judgment Against Other Nations) - September 1st
Ezekiel 27-28 (No Miracle Catch for This Tyre) - September 2nd
Ezekiel 29-32 (The Cattle Will Not Be Coming Home) - September 3rd
Ezekiel 33-34 (The Watchman) - September 4th
Ezekiel 35-37 (Woe to Edom, Hope for Israel) - September 5th
Ezekiel 38-39 (Prophecies Against Gog) - September 6th
Ezekiel 40-42 (Plans for a New Temple) - September 7th
Ezekiel 43-46 (Return of the Glory of the LORD) - September 8th
Ezekiel 47-48 (Conclusion of Ezekiel) - September 9th
Daniel 1-3 (A Judean Exile in King Nebuchadnezzar's Court) - September 10th
Daniel 4-6 (Handwriting on the Wall, Lions in the Den) - September 11th
Daniel 7-9 (Daniel's Visions) - September 12th
Daniel 10-12 (A Complex Vision) - September 13th
Hosea 1-3 (Obedience of Hosea) - September 14th
Hosea 4-10 (Oracles of Hosea) - September 15th
Hosea 11-14 (Bridge to Redemption) - September 16th
Micah 1-4 (Popular Prophecies) - September 21st
Micah 5-7 (Walk Humbly with Your God) - September 22nd
Zechariah 1-4 (Don't Repeat Mistakes) - September 27th
Zechariah 5-8 (God Calling) - September 28th
Zechariah 9-14 (Your King Comes on a Donkey) - September 29th
Matthew 1-4 (Setting the Stage for Jesus' Life on Earth) - October 2nd
Matthew 5-7 (Sermon on the Mount) - October 3rd
Matthew 8-9 (Demonstrations of Power and Healing) - October 4th
Matthew 10-11 (Getting the Right People on the Bus) - October 5th
Matthew 12-13 (Lord of the Sabbath) - October 6th
Matthew 14-17 (Removing All Doubt) - October 7th
Matthew 18-20 (Disciples Struggle to Understand) - October 8th
Matthew 21-22 (Jesus Cleans Up in Jerusalem) - October 9th
Matthew 23-25 (People Get Ready) - October 10th
Matthew 26 (Betrayal and Conviction) - October 11th
Matthew 27-28 (Death and Resurrection) - October 12th
Mark 1-3 (Jesus Draws a Crowd) - October 13th
Mark 4-5 (Who is This Man?) - October 14th
Mark 6-7 (No Challenge Too Great) - October 15th
Mark 8-9 (Who Is the Greatest?) - October 16th
Mark 10-11 (Final Trip to Jerusalem) - October 17th
Mark 12-13 (Keep Watch For the Hour Is Coming) - October 18th
Mark 14 (Preparation for the Sacrifice) - October 19th
Mark 15-16 (Resurrection of the One Who Came to Heal) - October 20th
Luke 1-2 (Promises of Birth are Fulfilled) - October 21st
Luke 3-4 (Launch of Ministry for All Towns) - October 22nd
Luke 5-6 (Blessed are the Fishers of Men) - October 23rd
Luke 7-8 (Extraordinary Healing and Extraordinary Faith) - October 24th
Luke 9-10 (Travel Lightly) - October 25th
Luke 11-12 (What to Pray For) - October 26th
Luke 13-15 (An Open Invitation) - October 27th
Luke 16-18 (Jesus Challenges Our Understanding of Order) - October 28th
Luke 19-20 (Jesus Arrives to Save the Lost) - October 29th
Luke 21-22 (Sacrifice) - October 30th
John 1-2 (The Word) - November 1st
John 3-4 (For God So Loved the World) - November 2nd
John 5-6 (The Words of Eternal Life) - November 3rd
John 7-8 (The Light Illuminates But Does Not Condemn) - November 4th
John 9-10 (I Was Blind but Now I See) - November 5th
John 11-12 (Look How the Whole World Has Gone After Him!) - November 6th
John 13-15 (I Call You Friends!) - November 7th
John 16-17 (In a LIttle While You Will See Me No Longer) - November 8th
John 18-19 (Adjudication) - November 9th
Acts1-3 (Incendiary Growth) - November 11th
Acts 4-5 (You Will Not be Able to Stop Them) - November 12th
Acts 6-7 (Division of Duties) - November 13th
Acts 8-9 (Chief Adversary Becomes Chief Advocate) - November 14th
Acts 10-11 (Repentance for Gentiles!) - November 15th
Acts 12-13 (The Word of God Continued to Spread) - November 16th
Acts 14-15 (Divisiveness and Reconciliation) - November 17th
Acts 16-17 (Guided By the Spirit) - November 18th
Acts 18-19 (Don’t Say You Didn’t Hear It ) - November 19th
Acts 20-21 (Paul Goes to Jerusalem) - November 20th
Acts 22-23 (Jurisdictional Conflict) - November 21st
Acts 24-26 (To Caesar You Will Go) - November 22nd
Acts 27-28 (You Shall Be Saved) - November 23rd
Romans 1-3 (Greetings Fellow Sinners) - November 24th
Romans 4-5 (In Christ We Are Forgiven) - November 25th
Romans 6-8 (Freedom!) - November 26th
Romans 9-11 (The Chosen Ones) - November 27th
Romans 12-16 (Principles of Christianity) - November 28th
1 Corinthians 1-4 (Unity in Church) - November 29th
1 Corinthians 5-7 (Sex in the City of Corinth) - November 30th
1 Corinthians 8-11 (Keep Your Eyes on the Prize) - December 1st
1 Corinthians 12-16 (Many Spiritual Gifts - One Body) - December 2nd
2 Corinthians 1-4 (Shine On!) - December 3rd
2 Corinthians 5-9 (Reconcile to God) - December 4th
2 Corinthians 10-13 (Be Faithful and You Shall Be Commended) - December 5th
Galatians 1-3 (The Foolish Galatians) - December 6th
Galatians 4-6 (The Only Thing That Counts) - December 7th
Ephesians (The Church Is the Working Body of Christ) - December 8th
Philippians (Ode to Joy) - December 9th
Collosians (Keep Up the Good Work – But Watch Out) - December 10th
Epistles to the Thessalonians (Overview of Epistles to the Thessalonians )
1 Thessalonians 1-5 (Minor Corrections Required) - December 11th
2 Thessalonians 1-3 (Just a Friendly Reminder) - December 12th
Pastoral Letters (Overview of Pastoral Letters)
1 Timothy 1-6 (Guard What Has Been Entrusted To You) - December 13th
2 Timothy 1-3 (All Scripture is God-Breathed) - December 14th
Titus and Philemon (Two Distinct Letters) - December 15th
Hebrews 1-4 (God’s Revelation through Jesus) - December 16th
Hebrews 5-8 (A Superior High Priest) - December 17th
Hebrews 9-10 (The Mediator) - December 18th
Hebrews 11-13 (Superiority of Faith - and the Hall of Fame) - December 19th
James (Be Quick to Listen and Slow to Speak)
1 Peter (Marks of the Christian Life)
1 John (Componets of God's Love)
2 and 3 John and Jude (Three Pithy Letters)
Revelation 1-3 (Hear What the Spirit Says) - December 25th
Revelation 4-7 (Glimpses of Glory) - December 26th
Revelation 8-11 (Seven Trumpets) - December 27th
Revelation 12-14 (Celestial Battles) - December 28th
Revelation 15-17 (Seven Final Plagues) - December 29th
Revelation 18-19 (The Fate of Babylon) - December 30th
Revelation 20-22 (A New Heaven and a new Earth) - December 31st
"The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen (Revelation 22:21 NIV)."
Comments and Questions